#does anyone know if that's confirmed or like a fan theory
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cornflowersandspoons · 25 days ago
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"Shiny and stupid doll! MIKE MORTON!" ✨️✨️✨️ (LOVE HIM SOO MUCH😭💕)
Kinda a wip, couse I want to add like a circus postery background to him, and probably do some for the other circus members too, couse I literally adore all of them!!! But idk when I'll have the time for that. 🥺
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tornado1992 · 1 year ago
No one knows where Sonic lives.
Even in his so called world renowed hero status, there’s way too little that the general public knows about Sonic The Hedgehog, sure, they know what his favorite food is, they know the names of his friends, and they know when his birthday is, but they don’t know where is he from, how is he so fast, or what is his reason to fight.
They know about most of the times he has saved the world, but they don’t know why his shoes don’t get burned by his speed, they know he can turn into a god-like glowy golden being, but they don’t know how exactly the magical jewels that do that work, they know he’s unstoppable, but they don’t know why.
Most people don’t care that much about that kind of information, even if he’s a hero, that’s his own business, even heroes need privacy; but then there’s the curiosity, the enigma, the mystery, most of those questions will be left without a solid answer, but there’s a few that should have definitive one.
Where does someone who can run around the whole globe in a matter of hours live? There’s a lot of theories.
Sonic has enough fame to have several fan clubs all around the world, and between all those fan clubs there’s been a lingering interest in the enigma of where does sonic live, between all the other questions this one is the one that gets the most possible answers, considering factors like his speed, his well known crave for adventure, his love for nature, all of it could make the difference between the right answer and the wrong answer.
At certain point, the curiosity reaches to more general public apart from the fanatism prone, and when in opportunity to talk to him, a lot of people start asking him the same question: “where do you live?” the answers all equal and all different at the same time “right here in the same world as you” “it varies from time to time” “I don’t think you could visit me”
The vagueness, the confusing contradictions, the evasion of the subject; he’s doing this on purpose. They might not know a lot about the blue speedster, but now this sole data needs to be known.
They start asking Sonic’s acquaintances instead of the hedgehog himself, they know they’re not getting an answer out of him at this point, and if anyone could have one, his friends should know it. Turns out that they don’t know.
Most of his friends being more annoyed with the fact that not even they know where he lives than about the people sticking their noses to his friend’s business was a surprise to the masses, and underwhelming, backtracking, frustrating surprise.
There’s an anonymous user online who affirms that not even the hedgehog’s arch nemesis knows where Sonic lives. Reliable sources support the statement.
The waters of nonsense gossip calm down after some time, but the question still remains, left to be more of general curiosity than lingering mystery.
A random day in a random town, a news program happens to be live outside when the speedster passes by and stops to smell the flowers around the area, the reporters ask him for a small interview, he says they have till he finishes picking up enough flowers for a crown.
They ask the same question everyone has asked for quite some time, just a different word, “Sonic, where is your home?”
Apparently the accidental rephrasing change is what finally gets it, as the speedster just says “right now? should be at mystic ruins”
He runs off immediately, the reporters left speechless, the program still on air on TV’s and the web, and the world going wild.
They finally got a straight, solid, specific answer. “That can’t be true” “but it can” “it’s logical” “it’s not” “he must’ve been joking” “he sounded serious” and more and more discussions take place around that single interview, the fan clubs are theorizing again, the general public is now more curious, and the official news from all over the globe need to confirm this by themselves.
So they ask again.
A full week later, a different city in a different country, different news reporters don’t even bother to ask him for an interview, they just run to him the moment they see the blue blur pass by and ask him again “Sonic, where is your home?!” He yells his answer without stopping:
“Last time I checked was in Central City”.
“It’s a contradiction” “then he was joking before” “he might change where he lives weekly” “we need more proof” “that was way too specific again”.
A different continent, two days later, a group of kids manage to record him when he greets them from the other side of a mountain, they ask “Where is your home?!” He yells back “I’m not sure at the moment!”
The confusion only grows, now no one knows if he’s genuinely giving true answers or full ass lying, it would be logical for him to do either. The curiosity becomes a mystery again, and people are legitimately trying to track all the locations he has mentioned to find out what is this all about. Some people even try to track him down. They try.
A whole month later, there’s a celebration near sunset city, a commemoration of some sorts, there’s been a lot of battles in way too little time so people just try to think about the party rather than the motive for it. Sonic attends the celebration along some of his friends.
A local news channel manages to reach him at the chili dog stand where he is waiting for his food while talking to the two tailed fox everyone knows is his best friend. They don’t mean to interrupt, but these opportunities are limited.
They ask the same question, the same word change that they know works: “Sonic, where is your home?”
The blue blur hangs an arm around the kit’s shoulder in a half hug as he grins widely, he says loudly: “right now, it’s right here!”
This time his home was with him.
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rockrosethistle · 1 year ago
If there's one thing TGWDLM fans are gonna do, it's think about the implications. And the implications of the opening number are crazy.
So. We know that the show isn't completely chronological since the opening number takes place before the meteor hits. So that song is a sort of "flash forward" moment. But when you think about it, we don't really know how far in the future it takes place.
What we do know is that by the time it's happening, Emma is infected. She has a little solo in it singing about how Paul is pining over a barista
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And we know that this is meant to be an infected Emma specifically. Lauren had other characters in the show, if they wanted to avoid the Emma implication they would've just dressed her as one of those.
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So we know this is meant to be Emma.
And Emma isn't infected until the very end of the show. She's dragged off stage during the credits. So since she's infected in the opening number, we know the number takes place after the events of the show.
Another important detail is that Paul is infected before Emma. He's the one that passes it on to her.
So back to the opening number, Emma is infected. Which means by just following a simple timeline, Paul must also be infected. He should be singing and dancing, right?
But that's not what happens. Paul misses his entrance.
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If Paul is infected, then there's no reason he should be missing his entrance. Furthermore, if he's a part of a hive mind, there's no reason other members of the same hive mind shouldn't know where he is. They are literally all connected by one brain, and yet both Mr. Davidson and Bill express they have no clue where he went.
What I'm saying is that Paul is not infected. He was infected (again, we know that because Emma is infected and he was infected before her) but now he's not anymore.
I'm saying there's a way out of the hive, and Paul found it. That's the only explanation that makes sense given the facts of the situation. Sometime after the events of tgwdlm, Paul is able not only to break out the hive mind, but to hide from it.
And if he broke out, others could do the same. Maybe even Emma.
Edit because a countertheory has emerged: Yes it's possible that everyone is infected the entire time and the show itself is just Pokey replaying the events for the fun of it. But it seems unlikely to me. First of all, each of the Lords in Black has a distinct personality. They all are evil, but within that they seems to fall somewhere on a spectrum of "silly billy" to "prick." For example, Tinky is more of a silly billy. He toys with humans without much of a motive and more for just shits and giggles. But in every instance, Pokey's more on the extreme side of prick.
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He's one of the few with an actual motive behind what he does. In Yellowjacket, it's confirmed that Pokotho hates the sound of anyone's voice except for his own. The events of TGWDLM don't happen because Pokey is bored, they happen because he is executing a plan. So I don't think that he would just have them play out their little scenario just to entertain him, especially just one small island? I just feel like he'd be more focused on world domination.
If the theory is that all this is happening after Pokey's already taken over the whole world, no one was successful in stopping him, then yes it's plausible, but still weird. There are a strange amount of things in that show you just think an eldritch god wouldn't include.
Edit 2: New evidence has emerged???
The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals is loosely based off of Invasion of The Body Snatchers. Paul's last name is even a nod to the main character, Matthew. At the end of the film, Matthew survives, and continues living among the infected, pretending to be one of them. And wouldn't that be just such a fun little parallel...
Obviously it doesn't prove anything but the source material doesn't lie folks.
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funpoire · 5 days ago
What I think is going to happen in book 8
this post is a side note for me. to see if my medium power is real. Also, I would love to know what you guys think
Sebek and yuu friendship. I think Sebek will be introduced in the first-year group by Yuu.
Mickey comes back. I think in this book we will see him even more. Understand why he is in the mirror.
Finally, understand the weird dream Yuu had. Why do they dream of the Great 7, why it’s happening before before/during overblot?
Crowley's true self (not him being Malleus's father). He is the reason Grim overblot I’m telling you. Look at this post for more info about why I think he is a bad guy
Yuu going home without telling anyone / not on purpose. 1) Trying to reach Mickey and traverse the mirror in their room like Alice. 2) Crowley tries the spell to go home and make a mistake.
Yuu is not going home I’m telling you. They are going to be in some different place with Mickey or related to the great Seven (omg yuu going back in time)
Yes this thing is only around yuu cause I need more content with the mc
Ace flirting with yuu (trying to at least have something right). Or at least Ace finally showing he does care about Yuu deeply.
First year sleepover before yuu go home. Very hurt/comfort scene. Where they all got their bed next to each other.
Lot of tears
Grim overblot after yuu go home because he is so sad and can’t absorb the blot anymore.
Yuu coming back and finding a way to travel between words
The ending being « and it was just a dream » (I’m burning aniplex if this is the ending)
The theory that yuu is dead being confirmed. I’m not really into this theory but there are so many references to death that I can a little bit understand why this theory exists in the first place. But maybe this theory could have a twist like everyone at home thinks yuu is dead. If you know what I mean
The theory of time loops. Imagine 2 seconds reading a chapter and then in it boom the game acts like it reset. That would be so cool. (Rip 4th wall)
Oh, you think Book 7 was giving you a heart attack? Get ready for book 8 with more lore drops, more « Omg is he dead » and ofc « Where is yuu? ». Book 7 was the calme before the storm
Even longer book
Yuu and grim relationship getting more developed with angst and trauma
The basic “let’s all remember the good times” and it’s a flashback of all the sweet moments in each book. This is the most basic thing media have ever done and i fear twisted wonderland will do the same. Not complaining ofc.
I smell the fan service for shipper in this book don’t know why. I know twisted wonderland is not a game to do that kind of thing (they are) but i can already imagine a chapter were you wondering if the character is truly talking about friendship or trying to have more. i’m watching you adeuce
They all using the power of friendship
At the end ramshackle dorm will be used by all the student to hangout or even maybe be a new dorm. Seems like bittersweet because that means Yuu’s home getting use for something else after they are gone.
Grim : 1) going back to his original habitat or even owner (i will hit my head against a wall) 2) getting adopted by adeuce or Idia (again hitting my head against the wall) after yuu is gone
Bittersweet ending. I don’t like bad ending but i feel like the ending would feel sad cause at the end of the day yuu have to go home and leave all the memories behind them.
Timeskip: First years being dorm leader or being third year now (tears and hitting the wall)
A possible RSA development
The more i think about this book the more i feel like going to therapy.
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eroguron0nsense · 7 months ago
The Mysterious Mysteries of Mr Sir Crocodile (Character Analysis)
(Apologies in advance for discrepancies from my usual tone and for holding off on everyone who voted for this on my last poll. Honest to God I hope y'all enjoy this in some capacity because I've been procrastinating on this meta so long it's derailed ALL my other One Piece writing and I only accomplished it through addy-fuelled mania)
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This was such a fucking pain to write. I really wanted to say something about Crocodile and what makes him so fascinating that wasn't like, another fan theory or just a set of headcanons, but that's easier said than done?? We could boil it down to immaculate design, screen presence, attitude, or just the fact that he got brought back as an unlikely ally who shocked everyone by saving the protagonist, but I don't know that those factors in and of themselves make for a villain who's become such an object of fandom obsession.
Whatever it is, it's certainly not backstory or depth, because 24 years and hundreds and hundreds of chapters after his introduction, we still know nothing about Sir Crocowani's past beyond a vague confrontation with the Late Great Edward Newgate (that apparently like, ruined his dreams or something?), and some totally-not-just-a-threat-to-out-him-if-he-betrayed-the-alliance blackmail material the Queen of the Queers is holding over his sandy reptilian ass. I was born and grew into adulthood in the time it took Oda to tell the world fuck all about where he's from or his inner thoughts, or his actual honest motivations and traumas.
All we have about this character are questions. Why did he save Luffy and Ace –very conspicuously after both of their lineages were revealed to the world– against all logic and reason? Does he have ties to the revolutionaries? Is he the long-lost son of Rocks D. Xebec? Did he bounce on Comrade Dragon's Monkey D and squirt out the fucking Warrior of Liberation? I assume Oda's going to tell us more about him, but at this point, he's managed to keep a tighter lid on Sir Crocs, Inc.'s past than the fucking Secret History
You may be wondering, dear reader: what the fuck is my point? What is there, at this final stage of Long Running Pirate Manga, for me–Frankie EroGuroNonsense, OP Tumblr Community Z-lister with like, 7 mildly popular meta posts under my belt–to write about the legendary Sir Krokorok that hasn't already been said or theorized? What eagle-eyed observations did I make while rereading Alabasta and writing toxic Crobin fanfic? Am I going anywhere with this? Sorta. Yeah.
Let's start with listing things we actually know about Crockpot, in roughly chronological (??) order: –attended Gol D.'s execution way back when he was my age, along with anyone else who's anyone from his generation.
–At some point, met and was known well enough by Iva that she could effectively blackmail him
–Made it far enough on the Grand Line, somehow getting to the New World, and managed to pick up an 81,000,000 bounty (low end for a warlord, presumably scouted fairly early in his career)
–Wanted to be Pirate King until he gave up on it, not 100% explicitly confirmed but most likely due to getting his ass beat so badly by Whitebeard that he settled for picking off small fry and racketeering behind a government desk job. This makes him profoundly relatable to the rest of us depressed fucking losers who acquiesce to our own mediocrity.
–At 30, after presumably licking his wounds for a hot minute, sets up shop in Alabasta, comes up with a clever evil plan to quietly build up enough arms to conquer the world with a WMD, and then gets his years-long bioterrorist coup attempt foiled by a 17-year-old.
The rest we know: after a brief moment of glory as the unsung MVP of Impel Down/Marineford, he immediately reverts to Failguy Mode, gives all his money to a literal clown, and consequently gets roped into the neverending uncontrollable PR nightmare that is Cross Guild. It's still super vague and we know little to nothing about his past before the Alabasta Saga (for all we know he had a fling with King Cobra)
...Onto his personality and mannerisms. This shit's a lot more revealing. Superficially, he's everything: immaculate Bond villain levels of charismatic villainy, unbelievably ostentatious, dripped out like a Pimp, constantly smoking cigars, absolutely dripping with smugness and grease and disdain. Owns exotic pets and a giant casino, and spends every waking moment either grinning like a maniac when he's got the upper hand or storming around in a fucking mood when anything goes mildly wrong.
He's also pretty hardened underneath all that, obviously couldn't have lived a day on the grand line or survived Impel Down Torture otherwise. But even in Alabasta, Crockery gives off an air of being distinctly more grounded and willing to get his hands dirty than other flashy, established villains who flaunt their wealth and status. A big part of it is just his really hyper-masculine indomitable tough guy persona, but even early on he's very much micromanaging his operation, fighting people hand to hand in (as opposed to, say, Doffy, who literally puppeteers people while lounging around) and makes a point to keep almost all of his followers at a distance and rely on them as little as possible. He rants a bit about how dreams and whatnot are pointless follies, as One Piece antagonists tend to do, and repeatedly taunts Vivi about how her idealism can't save her, but with the context that he wanted to find Laughtale himself, it feels a lot like projection.
The character trait that's harped on a LOT in canon, and probably the most pertinent one to whatever demons he has, is Croconaw's profound pathological distrust for everyone around him. It's a huge part of what makes him a good early foil to the Nefertari family and the Straw Hats, whose collective strength is derived from organic human connection; Crocalor, by contrast, makes sure that up until the very last moment, he keeps most of his people so distant from him that they genuinely have no idea he's even their boss. His relationship with Robin is interesting, but he turns on her immediately when he realizes she either can't or won't give him the location of Pluton and has his dramatic stabbing/"I forgive you" lines about how he never trusted her or anyone from the start. He says the same shit to Mihawk when he suggests they join forces, even citing their mutual distrust as a kind of paradoxical justification for why they'd actually work well together.
Arguably the only exception is Daz Bones, but even that relationship is still a pretty reserved one; one of the few traits Daz exhibits is a similar avoidance of human connections to his boss and even though they've ironically formed a bond despite it, I can't imagine that they're emotionally close. I find these more explicit declarations of paranoia a lot less indicative of what's actually going on in Croconut's head than subtext, but I feel inclined to mention them just because it more or less tells us that his background/trauma has something to do either with betrayal or alternatively just being jaded and deprived to the point of self-isolation.
Krookodile's character gets a little bit more interesting when we get to see him again in Impel Down being a smug little manipulative rascal right up until he gets blackmailed by his endocrinologist, which is definitely medical malpractice but also funny as hell. I also appreciate that literally the first thing he does after getting out of his cell is change into a big coat and cravat to keep up appearances, but it's not until Marineford proper that things get really complicated. Saving Luffy and Ace is the first selfless thing we see Crobat do–while yelling at Luffy that he needs to protect what matters to him properly, no less– and he just keeps fighting for them after that, teaming up with his most hated rival crew to cover Luffy's retreat and telling the entire WG to go fuck itself multiple times over. He fights everyone on sight with no regard for his own safety, talks mad shit to Doffy, and demonstrates a genuinely compelling amount of honest to god chivalry.
For a short time, we see Crocomotive less as a really entertaining cartoon villain and more as a person with hidden, profound emotions and a confusing moral code that's seemingly incompatible with the vicious little creature we met in Alabasta. We come to understand, in a few very brief lines that give us way more questions than answers, that Cromagnon has deep-seated, emotional convictions he actively suppresses, and that whatever baggage he has is probably tied to wanting to or failing to save something of his own. His resentment of Newgate, who he really really wants to have a go at (despite theoretically no longer caring about the ambitions of his youth) is indicative of a desire to revisit the fight that probably ruined his dream and ego, but it's also tinged with a deep-seated grudging respect for a living legend.
Crock–Afire Explosion's obvious seething hatred of Doffy also gives us a few more insights into what's wrong with him. On a surface level, it makes sense that he dislikes a profoundly obnoxious, even flashier fellow warlord who achieved more or less the same goal he set out to in a shorter time, fucks with his business, and then mocks him/tries to recruit him right after his very public defeat and imprisonment. He postures a lot, especially with his lines insisting he's on a higher level and that Doffy could only ever join him as a subordinate, but he's visibly steamed in their initial encounter and clearly hasn't liked him for quite some time. I bring this up because if we stretch our interpretation a little (for the sake of my argument), Croc Holliday's distaste for someone who's (outwardly) so much like himself and embodies all of his villainous characteristics from back in Alabasta might also suggest that deep down, he doesn't actually like the things they have in common; he sees right through Doffy because he's done the same shit and he hates what he sees.
Having gone over all that, I've come up with some key characteristics of Crocomelon that I'll use going forward:
–Extremely performative: puts an ungodly amount of energy into maintaining a carefully curated persona, and projecting a certain amount of power, masculinity, and prestige. Not necessarily an unnatural or inauthentic one, but a constructed and purposeful one nonetheless
–Deep-seated paranoia, hidden secrets; probably intertwined. Keeps personal details on tight, tight lockdown, probably afraid of being known.
–Constant projection of his own insecurities and failures onto other people, making a point to be uniquely cruel in Alabasta to an idealist who loves her people and a dreamer who wants to be the Pirate King.
Ironically, he demonstrably respects and defends two people–Luffy and Whitebeard–who theoretically embody everything he hates or scorns (ambition, goodness, love, connection, romanticism, greatness in the traditional sense) and he intensely dislikes the villain most like himself, or at least the one who shares a lot of his worst characteristics (ostentatious manipulative scheming rat bastard backed by people stronger than himself) –The Grinch's heart grew three sizes at Marineford because of like, the compelling power of brotherly love and reminders of his youth or something
The difficulty with writing anything definitive about Crocko's Basilisk is that he's such a mystery, which functionally lets the fanbase project literally whatever weird personality traits, potential backstories, or anything else they could possibly come up with onto him. So I want to be clear that I have absolutely no interest in theorizing about the specifics of his past or secret identity or potential baby daddy or anything along those lines; I'm only interested in what we can infer about his personality by extrapolating from canon. And the conclusion I keep coming back to, the one that I'm convinced is true on some level, is that Crocodile is living a lie and he fucking hates himself. Everything he does, from how he acts to what he claims to believe, is a desperate effort to cope with his own insecurity and failure and cover up a past version of himself he's deeply ashamed of.
Now, unfortunately, Oda did not conceive of Crocodile as a trans man but stories belong to the people and we can do what we want let's forget about that and play it straight because he's constantly performing gender as a means of compensating for a deep-seated shame and self-loathing from whatever traumas and secrets he keeps hidden. Even assuming he's a cis man, he deliberately chooses a hypermasculine persona with a Capital V Villain moniker and pimp outfit and speech pattern he's carefully curated to project masculine power–physical, political, and financial–and we know it's performance because we see him break kayfabe and get legitimately fucking angry whenever he's confronted by a person like Luffy, who's crazy and brave enough to try and do what he couldn't and risk everything for love and hope that he cannot bring himself to feel for another person, or reminders of the past he tries so desperately to bury.
The lessons he's wrongfully obtained from his past are as follows: Idealism is a weakness. Dreaming is a weakness. Connections to other people and being known are crippling liabilities (If he is, in fact, trans and closeted, that's all the more reason to be existentially disgusted by what he used to be). All the hope he brought to the Grand Line, all the excitement of trying to carry on where Roger left off, needs to be purged and buried because all he got to show for it was loss and humiliation. But he can't stop wanting more, and ironically, after he gives up on conquering the Grand Line, he ends up chasing the same fucking poneglyphs and weapons because his ambition's still there; it's just compromised and much more jaded.
Everything he does that's seemingly contradictory makes sense when you realize that Crocodile resents his failure and wants to avenge himself. He makes a big show of talking down to Luffy and Vivi's petty ideals and shit-talking Newgate and his family, but he still wants to fight Whitebeard like he did way back when and help Luffy protect what matters to him. He hates Doffy, who's honestly just a more successful schemer than he is because it's a constant reminder of what he settled for when he took that warlord post and fucking gave up. He claims to trust no one, but he keeps Daz by his side and rewards his loyalty because he can't help but trust someone who respects him so deeply and follows him to the ends of the fucking earth long after losing the material incentive to do so. He claims to look down on people who aim for the stars and fight for love and joy and freedom and yet, in his most vulnerable moments–not in the face of violence or imprisonment, but when he's emotionally compelled to defend a child and help save his brother–we see how badly he wants that for himself.
TLDR: Crockman Holic is deeply insecure in his masculinity, desperately needs psychological help, and his character/potential redemption arc in One Piece is just dealing with his midlife crisis.
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writingstoraes · 2 years ago
hey there!! i love your stories!! can i please have a social media au where it’s a redbull driver reader soft launching her relationship with charles? okay love u! thank u!
grid love 🏎
pairing: charles leclerc/fem!redbull!reader
type: instagram imagine, social media au
notes: sorry this took so long, anon! hope you like this hehehe 🤍 also lets pls pretend the faceclaim does drive for redbull, okay? okay. love u 2 anon (also this is purely ig posts hehe)
about: the last thing anyone expects is a redbull driver dating another from ferrari. a series of soft launches from you didn't help either!
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liked by maxverstappen, charles_leclerc, pierregasly, and 1,223,882 others
yourusername weekend shenanigans 🏁
ferrarigirl crying someone bagged the baddest bitch in f1
leclercluv That shadow looks an awful lot like Charles 😂😂😂😂
sainzzz55 reaching? we cant even see his face
leclercluv Charles was literally spotted at an Italian restaurant of the same setting today but okay 😂
maxverstappen Interesting
yourusername what's interesting about this? 🤨
maxverstappen Cause if I'm right, carlossainz55 and pierregasly owes me $50 🤣
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liked by maxverstappen, charles_leclerc, danielricciardo, and 1,223,122 others
yourusername french and princess treatment kind of night 🥂
f1thusiast cryinggg shes got everyone and their mamas speculating on who her mystery man is 😭
carlossainz55 Max is so gonna owe me $50
maxverstappen No???
hamilt0n literal millionaires betting on $50 i have seen it all
leclercluv French?? Yeah it's Charles lol
redbullracing ❤️🤍
redbullracing Not much, as long as our golden girl is happy ❤️🤍
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liked by charles_leclerc, yukitsunoda0511, maxverstappen, and 1,220,345 others
yourusername 16 times happier than i've ever been ❤️🤍
midnightleclercs not charles liking this 1 minute after it was posted 😭
pierrestsunoda he got her notifs on thats why
leclercluv Game over ladies that's literally Charles' car 😭
lecssainz isn't his car a ferrari pista?
leclercluv He was seen driving it around Barcelona today, apparently it's a new one 🤷‍♀️
maxverstappen 🫣🫣🫣
gaslysfilm literally why use 16 when you can use another number 😭 the y/n-charles soft launch theory may really be real lol
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liked by maxverstappen, charles_leclerc, arthurleclerc, and 1,992,221 others
yourusername drove this baby around today
leclercluv CHARLES' PISTA 😭
lecshamilton this fr the hardest soft launch anyone has ever done in history im afraid
redbullfan Yeah this shit confirmed this is all we needed lmao
pierregasly maxverstappen 💸 Pay up
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liked by redbullracing, scuderiaferrari, yourusername, and 2,103,334 others
charles_leclerc My rival on track is my heart keeper off track ❤️
tagged: yourusername
pierregasly This is about the cheesiest thing you have ever done
scuderiaferrari Feeling all the feels right now ❤️
redbullracing This serves as our truce, off track?
lewishamilton WOAH.
carlossainz55 I told you, maxverstappen! Pierre and I win 😄
yourusername what is this bet anyway
maxverstappen Which one of you will hard launch first, you really failed me, Y/N 😔
yourusername if i beat you in canada next week you have to buy me a lifetime supply of my favorite foods 😋
charles_leclerc Bring it on, bull
yourusername not a fan of the nickname, red
charlossainz this is the ferrari and redbull crossover i did NOT expect
tagging: @slytherheign
notes: didnt know im still capable of doing a post of just ig pictures lmaooaoa ive been so used to adding twitter posts and let me tell u it takes SO MUCH time 😭
anyway i hope u like this, anon! thank you for reading 🤍
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theyareweird · 1 month ago
Diabolik Lovers: How Turning a Human Works (Requested)
Diabolik Lovers* is a Japanese otome game franchise. In it, a human girl becomes a sacrificial bride to thirteen demons; depending on the source material. Some character routes depict the girl having turned into a demon. Due to this, the process of turning will be explored in this article. Please note: No fan theories or headcanons (fan interpretations or additions of a fictional story that aren't canon or confirmed to be canon by the creator) will be included in this article.
Turning a Human
There are two ways in which a human can be turned into a vampire or some other demon: The first is the long process. This involves a human having their blood sucked repeatedly and/or having sexual intercourse with a demon, but the latter isn't necessary. Regardless, the human will gradually become a demon (DL game: Haunted Dark Bridal, Shu's End 2).
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Second is the short process. This involves having a human drink a demon's blood. A human will then be automatically turned into a demon. However, Karlheinz [possibly Carla and Kino] are the only demons capable of doing this due to their immense power. Karl demonstrates this on the four Mukami brothers as the children were on the brink of death (DL anime, seas 2 & DL game: More Blood). Despite this, demons like Shu and Laito are still able to use their blood to speed up the process of turning Yui (HDB game, Laito's Route Dark 4 & End 1).
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Karlheinz offering Ruki life as a vampire (anime).
Yui's Exception
As the Diabolik Lovers franchise progressed, many things about the universe were further explored. Although Yui could become a vampire in Haunted Dark Bridal, later games go into detail about her special circumstance of possessing a demon's heart. The moment a human becomes a demon is called, "the awakening." Laito admits he wanted to turn Yui into a vampire, but he couldn't. She had yet to change despite how the process should have been completed already. "I don’t know whether your heart’s the blame for that, or if it’s something entirely different…" (DL game: Dark Fate, Laito's Maniac Epilogue). Despite Yui already being an unknown demonic sub-race, Ruki realizes he can't turn Yui into a vampire, nor can anyone else turn her into another race, until she chooses her partner (DL anime seas 2).
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Sacrificial Brides
Since the Sakamaki brothers were told to live in a mansion in the human world, they have been receiving sacrificial brides every now and then. This occurrence doesn't happen often as the brothers had no idea why Yui entered their home outside of Shu, who had been notified by their father but failed to inform them (DL anime, seas 1).
Prior to Yui, all the brides were directly sent over as food (HDB, Laito's Maniac 7). They have all died because no bride is typically strong enough to withstand the intense blood-drinking needs of the Sakamaki brothers. Since the brothers are Purebloods, they require a significant amount of blood to survive because human food doesn't nourish them. As such, a bride's blood is highly sought after. Being drained of blood by one or two vampires on a daily basis can be overwhelming for a human body to handle. In addition, the more aggressive brothers might not always regulate their feeding from lack of control. Overall, a bride is often not prepared to handle the intense feeding sessions as their drained of life and killed. Due to this, none of the girls were around the Sakamaki brothers long enough to be turned into vampires.
Because neither of the Sakamaki brothers have ever turned a human into a vampire before, Laito speaks his mind and says he wonders what type of demon Yui will become (HDB Laito's Maniac Epilogue).
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What do you think? Does this information help you understand how humans are turned into demons? If not, why? Please share with me!
Requested: @nunezs-stuff
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mygnolia · 9 months ago
get better! | 6. join stream 4 special guest
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SMAU! synopsis -› in which your neighbor and popular twitch streamer park sunghoon breaks his arm, so he switches to vlog style content that matches up with yours! now everyone’s curious why 1) you have a cute boy in your apartment, 2) sunghoon’s not on his grind anymore, and 3) when are you two going to date!?
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[1.9K WC] To be neighbors in the same apartment complex is a blessing- especially when all of your friends are across town. When you knock on Sunghoon’s door, it’s followed by a loud sound akin to a crash (is sunghoon okay???), before Sunghoon opens the door running a hand through his hair, feeling nervous.
“Hi.” He chokes out. “Come in.” You glance at his cast to make sure he’s okay, and despite his tweet from earlier where he took it off, it looks fine.
“Hi..? You..okay?” and the boy in question gives you a tight lipped smile. Was he…nervous?
You take in his apartment- it’s minimalistic in the best way, with succulents on the windows and polaroids of him and his friends hanging near the TV. While much of the furniture is white, it looks clean, and you’re glad that Sunghoon really does take care of his space. Twitch must pay him well (or used to) to have an apartment this nice.
He ushers you to his gaming room, where you see his extensive set-up. With monitors, cameras, headphones, and a glowing keyboard, you’re enamored by the way he’s gotten everything set-up all without his wires being tangled.
“I’m live- but I’m muted.” He starts, and his camera records him saying something, but the live audience on the other side is curious as to who he’s talking to since you were out of frame.
“Wait, I need a chair, right?” And it makes Sunghoon pause his one handed typing on the keyboard, mumbling a quiet ‘oh,’ before he stands back up.
“Here. Sit.” Sunghoon pushes you slightly to the gaming chair before your can protest, his movement awkward and robotic as he makes you sit down. The thought of Sunghoon being as nervous as you makes you smile, before you remember who you’re in front of.
‘IS THAT HIS GF’ ‘omg with yn rent free’ ‘YNNN I LOVE UR VIDS’ ‘bro they’re LITERALLY DATING’
When your eyes scan the messages, you call for Sunghoon to come back, who’s barely passed the door. “Let me unmute and introduce myself.” You suggest. And the streamer finds his palm becoming even more sweaty as he clicks a few buttons to turn the mic on. You watch him intently, and send him a warm smile as your thanks.
“Hi guys.” you wave at the camera before giving him the green light to get the chair that you need.
‘omg she’s so pretty’ ‘who is this wtf’ ‘where’s hoon lol’ ‘HIII YNNNNN’
A smile makes it’s way on your face with the last message. “My name is ____, and Sunghoon’s invited me over. Did he say anything to you guys?”
‘stream is called join live 4 special guest’ ‘nooo he never said anything’ ‘are you two tgt or what’
“We’re not together.” You confirm with a nervous smile, afraid of what would happen if his diehard fans found out about his relationship. “He’s just here to teach me bedwars.” The chat gets even faster- if it’s even possible. Questions and theories about your friendship with Sunghoon continue to pop up. “But don’t leave!” You say after you see some disinterest. “You guys should totally learn with me. Is there anyone who also doesn’t know how to play? Just..” You try to find the right words. “Think of Sunghoon as like, your boyfriend who’s teaching you bedwars.”
‘are he the one you keep tweeting about’ ‘YN IS HERE WOAHH’ ‘no yn you’re the gf he’s teaching’ ’so endgame couple!!’
The scraping of the chair as your neighbor tries to bring it in with one hand is funny to listen to outside of the door, and you giggle when you hear him curse, leaning out of frame to see if he’s okay or if he needs help.
“I heard that.” Sunghoon says when he’s in your range of vision, and it catches on the mic. With the way his viewers see your face light up now that he’s here, they automatically assume you two really have something going on. You’re only relieved to have him take over, no longer having to see some of the negative messages that fly by. At least on YouTube, you could ignore it all. Here? it’s all live, and you see it all.
Sunghoon sets up the chair and makes sure you’re comfortable before assuming his spot.
“What’s up bae-bees?” And you fight yet another smile at that stupid name. “This is Y/N. Makes vlog content but I think my gameplay is much more fun to watch. And by the way, check out our Q n A on her channel.” He glances over to you, and now that you’re properly able to look at him, you see the makeup that he had on for the photoshoot; and you can’t just not admit that Sunghoon is cute with his blush across the nose and freckles. You saw the after photoshoot post from him, too.
‘wait so dating rumors..???’ ‘DATING OR SIBLINGS’
“Are you two dating? Absolutely not.” He sends you a teasing grin, one that makes you swat at his shoulder with an indignant look- yeah, you’re not beating these dating allegations.
“Wow, you hate me? We spend like, 7 hours together the other day, and then you texted me saying you were outside- I thought we were friends!” And Sunghoon feels a flood of panic pass through him. Yes- he knows exactly what you mean. But his chat? his friends? Everyone who has just heard you speak? They have zero idea without context.
You’re not use to phrasing things as a streamer, and in an effort to calm his faster than light chat, Sunghoon stammers, “Yeah, we were cleaning so much of your new place. And those texts were all jokes- I’d never do that to a friend.”
Nodding in agreement without understanding the commotion you’ve caused, you try to read more of the chat.
‘pick me’ ‘ur too cute for her’ ‘she’s so cringe’
When Sunghoon sees the same things you do, his expression hardens, suddenly feeling upset. He was worried that this would happen. “Just because ____ isn’t in the gaming space or a streamer doesn’t mean you guys have the right to be mean to her. She puts in just as much effort into her videos and marketing her channel as much as I do for my gameplays. Please be nice, or I won’t be as willing to do special streams in the future.”
With appreciation, you pat his wrist, which is out of frame. You’re not really sure how to defend yourself against such baseless accusations, and considering Sunghoon’s not even your boyfriend, they have a reason to be so much more toxic and rude towards you without him defending you the way a boyfriend would.
“Maybe I should leave-“ You whisper to only him, suddenly feeling self-conscious.
Sunghoon shakes his head. “No, let me return the favor- plus, you wanted to learn bedwars. I’ll teach you the ropes.” His reassuring words make you feel more inclined to stay, not feeling as negative and embarrassed as before. He returns his attention to the chat after uncovering his mic, seeing some of his friends have seen the special title for today’s stream and joined.
“Hi Riki, Hee, Jay. Where’s Jake?” You peer over to see their verified badges with special colors appear, and Sunghoon reads their comments out loud. “Okay- enough of that. I’ll be teaching her how to play, now, so I might not be checking chat. As always, please be nice, and seeing as all my friends are in chat, there are even more mods available to ban you guys.” His voice is stern, but you can tell how much Sunghoon hates being mean to his fans.
simjake: ‘hi y/n please kick his ass so he’ll stfu.’
Sunghoon catches he quicker than you do, reading it with widened eyes. “Please kick his ass so he’ll shut the fuck up? Dude, If we’re on fortnite tonight, you’re last choice for squads.”
“But you can’t even play, Sunghoon.” You point out, and he frowns- trying his best to pretend that a kid on a bike wasn’t the whole reason he’s going bankrupt.
“I’m learning how to use it with the cast.”
“Don’t doctors tell you to literally not use it so it heals faster?” And he shrugs. Sunghoon’s arm really isn’t healing anytime soon, even if he swears it is.
“Well- anyways.” He uses his good arm to pull up the running tab for Minecraft, his avatar already in an empty lobby for you to practice. “Y/N is going to learn bedwars!”
Your face falls, and you look over to Sunghoon in horror. “I thought we were going to learn first. Without the stream.
He shakes his head with a half shrug, and moves his mouse around to make sure it’s still working like how he needs it to. “I think chat will find it funny to watch.”
You straighten up with determination and tell him to scoot over so you can place your hands on and familiarize yourself with the keyboard.
“Try the spacebar,” Sunghoon says with pride, and you laugh at how nerdy it sounds coming from him. After clicking the key a few times, and experimentally typing in the MInecraft chat, he begins to explain how to play, and you do your best to listen to him as he instructs you. “You know how to play, yes?” And your slight experience whenever you come to play on Sunoo’s set-up comes in handy for basic things like managing the game controls.
His 20k viewers all noticed a few things that neither of you picked up- both too engrossed in learning how to bridge without falling off, but also trying to fight and defend from other players.
They noticed how you liked to poke fun at Sunghoon sometimes- similar to your Youtube video where you’d make small but funny digs, and Sunghoon would go along with it. Everyone noticed how he was gently reassuring you with a hand on your shoulder or his fingers intertwining with yours when you stood up in frustration to pull it back to the mouse. Sunghoon here wasn’t the same flirty streamer who read his chat, called people his wife, or yelled at his friends (all in good fun!) when they lost match point; he was doting, and calm, with eye-crinkling smiles and praises everytime you bridged enough blocks to the other side. And after a bit more than an hour, you became tired of falling off the cliff from dynamite, or running out of golden apples to eat when you were running away- all to Sunghoon’s amusement.
You bid farewell to his chat, who all had fun watching you get excited while playing. For the gamers who watched Sunghoon’s channel, you le gameplay and reactions reminded them of the excitement it felt to play for the first time, and the problems they used to encounter trying to get better.
Sunghoon returns, with his chin resting on his good hand was he lazily reads chat. “He’s so in love.” He reads, scoffing. “Absolutely not, me and her are just friends. I’d do it for anyone.”
‘he’s so whipped’ simjake: ‘simphoon’ ‘someone get this man a gf’ heeonmic: ‘SIMPHOON BYEEE’
For the rest of his live, Sunghoon practices playing, blaming you offhandedly for cursing his keyboard and it was the reason why he was doing so bad. “Stop bothering ____ with us dating. Honestly she probably doesn’t even want a boyfriend.”
And how he was wrong.
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prev. | ml. | next.
REN SAYS... i am my own writer. yes, i included sunghoon's selfie with biceps even though technically it wasn't needed because my brain needs it to be canon...
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TAGLIST OPEN! Send an ask to be added! @riksaes @sumzysworld @en-dream @yeonjunning @eleanorheartschishiya @noobgod1269 @yvjw @jiawji @soothinglee @chaeyunloveeee @winuvs @xiaoderrrr r @cupidhoons @cryingforgyu @soakedteabags @tsukkisdoll @rickysgfundercover @graythecoffeebean @velvetkisscsss s @haechansbbg @hooniebaekgu @theothernads @illvding @dojaejunging @mumeimei @hanrinz @jlheon @i03jae @jisungstuff @totheseok @jinnibug @nodiotter @nenojaems @jakeyloveee @lyxnneee @ahnneyong @tocupid @jakeyverse @chokichips @mintpjzroll @kixri
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cosmerelists · 3 months ago
My Earnest Hopes & Dreams for Wind and Truth
Happy Wind and Truth Eve everyone! I just wanted to send out into the universe all of my hopes and dreams for this book--maybe a few of them will come true.
This post is safe if you've read through Rhythm of War! No WAT preview spoilers. Does refer to fan theories about WAT if that matters to you.
PLEASE do not put any Wind & Truth spoilers in the tags or notes of this post as you read!
Kaladin lives.
Kaladin lives and is happy.
There's a really cool Kaladin fight. Maybe two.
Kaladin & Szeth have to fight someone together.
Leshwi has a significant role.
There's a really cool Leshwi fight.
Adolin is NOT Odium's champion.
Adolin lives.
Shallan lives (I'm not super worried about her for whatever reason but I couldn't just include two of the three, you know?)
Rlain & Renarin romance.
Rlain & Renarin romance that isn't like tragic or awkward or anything. I request warm & fuzzy plz.
Shallan & Thaidakar meet.
MeLaan cameo.
...I notice the MeLaan cameo.
Rock returns or at least is in the book somehow.
Kaladin hits his head on a doorframe in Shinovar.
Navani invents something cool.
Navani thinks about Raboniel.
We get the third Bondsmith.
The third Bondsmith isn't human.
We find out that there are more than five Radiant oaths (pet theory that I want to be right about)
Hemalurgy gets used.....I know that would be bad but I think it would be interesting.
Hemalurgy doesn't get used on anyone I care about!!
Shallan doesn't incorporate Radiant.
Maya cure.
The theory that Shallan's mother was a Herald is confirmed. I think it's a cool theory.
Bondsmith powers used for a fight. I think it would be cool.
Satisfying Sanderlanche.
Kaladin meets a sheep. Or a dog. Or BOTH.
I don't cry too hard...
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claws-and-all · 3 months ago
Unpopular opinions
Today’s been one of those days where all my least favorite theories regarding Tamlin have been popping up, so I thought I��d share some of my unpopular opinions in case anyone else feels the same.
1. Tamlin should not get his own book
From all the male povs we've seen thus far, it's evident that sjm struggles to write male characters with complex feelings. They tend to lack depth, have the libido of a teenager, and the romance aspect is nonexistent. This coupled with the way she handled Nesta's "healing" journey (a character she supposedly loves) - suffice to say, she will not do justice to Tamlin's journey nor his inner monolog.
On top of that, we don't need a Chaol 2.0 book. The only people I've seen enjoy Chaol's book are the haters who became slightly lenient towards him. I feel like that book was not meant for the fans who actually loved Chaol from the get-go (like me). It was yet another "healing" journey that did not heal him 😒 (it's been 7 years since it's release and I'm still mad at it 🙈).
Also, just like Tam, Chaol is another character that is hated by 90% of the fandom. His book had the worst timing. In-between a high stakes book where you NEEDED to know what happened next and instead, you're forced to read a book that took you completely out of the action. It garnered more negativity towards a character that was already so heavily hated upon. It was such an unfair thing that occurred, and his fans were the ones that had to deal with the backlash of our favorite character being torn apart by the fandom. I truly hope history does not repeat itself with Tamlin. The fandom is waiting for the elriel/elucien confirmation, and I can just see the hate pouring in if it's a book about Tamlin instead. He deserves infinitely better!
2. Tamlin and Lucien should never be friends again
I'm sorry, I know a lot of you love Lucien, I'm rather 50/50 on him. If elucien happens, it will mean Lucien is now a part of the NC family, bil to Rhys, friendly with the ic, uncle to Nyx, already friends with Nesta and Feyre. That's not the kind of energy Tamlin needs in his life nor the constant reminder of everything that he lost (Rhys is doing a fabulous job of that already).
I liked Lucien and Tamlin's relationship in book 1, but I was not a fan of how he kind of abandoned Tamlin for Feyre. It's like he became more her friend than Tams as the series progressed. I think Tamlin deserves a better friend - someone who will have his back and not his partners back. And someone not so heavily intertwined with a court that has caused so much pain to him. I can almost see Lucien slowly trying to convince Tam that the nc guys are actually "the good guys". Who knows, maybe he'll also pull a Feyre and compare Springs food to ash since nothing can come close to precious NC food, you know.
That being said, I have no idea where such friends will come from because every character we've met thus far automatically dislikes Tamlin and are fans of nc guys (still waiting for the explanation as to why Jurian, Vassa, Eris, and even Nuan are Tam haters?? Make it make sense, Sarah!).
Alternatively, I do love angst. I would love a storyline of Tamlin moving on with his life without Lucien. As in his future wife/mate/partner doesn't even know who Lucien is. Whilst Elucien is also thriving in the human lands/NC/DC/AC. Yet the entire time, they both feel like there's a missing piece in their life. They would see each other at HL meetings or balls. Yet they're too stubborn to speak to each other. Until decades later when one of them finally breaks the ice. The yearning and the hurt, love that shit lol
3. Tamlin x Briar?
Let’s keep that in the dark where it belongs. - nuff said!
4. Elain should not even look in the direction of Spring
Just because she likes gardening doesn't mean she should be spring queen 😑 I'm sure she can follow in the footsteps of her sister and brother in law and trespass into Spring if she needs to see flowers in abundance. It is afterall, nc tradition to lecture Tamlin in his own court and kick him in the shins. I really don't want to see her becoming friends with Tamlin, helping him rebuild Spring, making it her second home, etc etc etc. Like the point above, she and Lucien have enough homes to go back to. They don't need an extra one in Spring. And Tamlin doesn't need any more nc "friends".
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sgt-tombstone · 7 months ago
imagine task force 141 as a band. which instruments would everyone play?
I feel like a lot of people have thrown in their two cents on this so I won't have anything really groundbreaking to add, but I'll definitely add my thoughts!
Soap is the bass player and sometimes does backup vocals, but his main job is to get shirtless and rock out like it's nobody's business. He's the most animated on stage and loves the attention from the fans, especially when he gets a little (a lot) sexy with it. He's an attractive man and he knows it, and he's going to use it to his advantage.
Gaz is the lead singer. He's the heartthrob of the band, even though he refuses to believe it. He and Soap constantly bounce jokes and quips back and forth to each other between sets, and he loves engaging with the audience as much as he can. He used to love crowd surfing, too, but he got dropped one time and Price doesn't let him do it anymore.
Ghost is the drummer. He sits at the back of the stage, out of the spotlight, and keeps an eye on his team. He wears a skull mask and all black and the fans absolutely eat it up. There are a million and one theories about who he is, what his name is, what he looks like, etc, and the band refuses to confirm or deny any of them. No one has ever heard him say a word, but they know he can talk, because he occasionally pulls Soap or Gaz down to whisper something in their ear between songs. His wiki page is almost completely blank, and any fan theories that get submitted very quickly get taken down because Soap fact-checks the page religiously (which leads to fan uproar whenever someone adds a random fact that actually stays up, indicating that it's true).
Price is, of course, the band manager. He organizes everything; venues, contracts, tours, etc. He's fiercely protective of his boys and will absolutely go to bat for them over the smallest things. He's the type of manager who will add tiny details into their show contracts to make sure the venue staff actually read and pay attention to them (if there isn't a pack of Hobnobs for Ghost waiting for them backstage, they don't play the show, because it means that the venue didn't read their safety requests either). He has a bad habit of smoking cigars backstage, and he has just as many die hard fans as the main members of the band, despite never appearing on stage.
Laswell is their lawyer, and god help anyone who tries to fuck with them. She and Price work very closely to make sure that their boys are always protected, and she takes even less shit than Price does. She doesn't travel with them, and in fact isn't even based in the same country, but she's the only one Price trusts to get them out of any sticky legal situations, which she does flawlessly and without fail. Whenever they go on tour, they make sure to plan a stop in the city where she lives and they always dedicate the show to her.
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moonsceptre · 6 months ago
What is your opinion on the Beetlejuice 2 Dream Theory?
This theory?
My opinion is that it's very likely to be true. I walked away from the cinema extremely happy with all of the shippy moments—so happy I hadn't even considered theorising anything yet, however my first thought about the ending was, So it was all Lydia's dream?
I read through the post and was blown away by how much sense it made, but I think it helped push me to believe it when my friend sent me this
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My friend is not interested in theorising or shipping, and has no connection to the BJ fandom, he's just a horror fan. Yet his interpretation of the movie's ending was a summarised version of the whole dream theory. Isn't it far more romantic to imagine Lydia having spent her life with Betelgeuse, and he's indulging her with a dream of her own child? Considering they both have a 'psychic connection', I'm not convinced that Lydia hasn't been thinking about BJ just as much as he's been thinking about her.
This user pointed out both of Betelgeuse's love songs are by artists named Richard, conveniently the name of Lydia's previous partner. The same partner who was described as a horror fan that loved playing pranks, and dressed as a Beetlejuice lookalike for Halloween.
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Looks like Beetlejuice, acts like Beetlejuice—either Lydia is equally obsessed, or it's BJ projecting himself onto Lydia's human lover within the dream. Watching the movie with new eyes, I noticed in the "Later, fucker" scene that BJ is sitting in the same place Richard sat while working at the border control. "Astrid" herself has a name related to the celestial bodies, much like "Betelgeuse". You can either take this as a romantic parallel, or Tim is trying to show us that Richard's creation is based on Lydia's fixation with Beetlejuice.
Dream sequences often use characters to represent something within the dreamer's psyche. It's like an abstract analysis of the way that character thinks and feels. Astrid's sequence within the dream shows Lydia's material desires—it confirms everything was based off of what Lydia wanted, which included getting married to a 'monster' (in the sequence of events, Astrid marries a guy dressed as a vampire), and then gives birth to the Beetlebaby. I know in the first movie there is a reference to the horror movie "The Fly", so I imagine this was too.
Did anyone notice the dream sequence watching Astrid didn't actually have a clear indication for when it began? It transitioned from the movie as if everything was a dream right from the start.
Let's not forget BJ straight up looking into the camera and saying "I love a good dream sequence". Lol.
My other reasoning for believing the dream theory is what Winona said about Lydia. Winona and Tim are close friends. Winona pitched the idea of having Betelgeuse and Lydia be the endgame ship in her words, and she happily took part in this movie. If Tim had rejected the idea, why would Winona reprise her role for a story she didn't agree with? Winona knows that Lydia is Tim's self insert (Tim has said many times he relates the most to Lydia), so why would Tim approve of all the shippy moments if he opposed Winona's pitch? No one knows Lydia like him!
Winona said in this interview that she hadn't imagined Lydia ever becoming a mother, but that after a while it started to make sense. She does not elaborate on that, but explains her idea for Lydia was that she would end up a spinster in the attic. If you read the dream theory, it highlights how the movie begins with Lydia in the attic, and then transitions to Lydia's TV show, but the background is still the attic. I found the whole film very dreamlike in this way, and I think the fact that Tim has said Wizard of Oz (a movie where the girl wakes up after a dream, in which those she knew acted as characters within the sequence) is one of his favourite movies helps to put it into effect.
And finally...
It's Lydia Deetz. Lydia loves the strange and unusual.. do you really think she wasn't curious enough to contact Beej again?
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ninthprime · 2 months ago
severance 2x02 thoughts (spoilers)
you all seemed to enjoy my thoughts last time. so. let’s keep doing this
not only did i accurately predict most of this episode in my last post (they let the others back because they need mark, dylan is back because he needs to support his family, etc) but i also used the phrase “occam’s razor” and devon uses the exact same term this episode. feeling like a real severance understander over here
fellow fans of the “outie irving used to have milchick’s job” theory- do we think his scene with milchick this episode disproves it? there’s nothing specific about the scene that would completely throw it away, but i doubt they’d fire irving so easily if they knew he had unsevered knowledge of the severed floor. maybe he was severed when he had the position, and they had to re-sever him/implant a new chip/whatever that would entail? and whatever went wrong there led to managers like milchick and cobel being required to be unsevered? we pretty much know that irving worked at lumon before being a severed member of MDR (he has an early ID number but has only been in MDR for three years), so it’s a matter of connecting the dots. maybe the wrongful assumption we’re making is that he’s painting the testing floor elevator from his own memories, rather than, say, a description from someone else (reintegrated petey?).
i agree with many that there’s a reason we didn’t see the immediate aftermath of the season 1 finale for irving and burt, but i’m not sure if it’s the reason a lot of people are predicting (that they know each other outside of being severed). i feel like it may be something stranger and more lore-heavy. kind of wondering if burt is reintegrated in some way or otherwise has knowledge of irving that irving wouldn’t know about. one of my questions about season 1 that i’ve never really seen anyone else ask is “why does optics & design need to be severed?” with MDR we now know it’s because their work contributes to some sort of strange experiment with testing floor subjects (ie. miss casey), which lumon would want to keep secret, but we don’t know why O&D’s work is also hidden. my inclination is that burt knows more than he’s saying.
that said if we’re supposed to get an old gay spies vibe from outie irving/burt then i think it should have the tone of chris fleming’s description of the film heat
similarly, i think they’re keeping gretchen hidden from us not because she’s someone we already know but to make us question things when dylan gets to go to that “visitation suite.” that way they can have a big reveal that the “wife” dylan gets to meet there is fake or, maybe even more interesting, that she’s in fact his wife with no tricks involved.
and one last thing that this episode purposefully keeps from us: miss huang being assigned to milchick’s old position! that’s hiding something.
i don’t think it’s important or anything but i would love to have elaboration on the lumon chain of command and on helena and milchick’s relationship. she’s his boss but he’s also the boss of her severed self? he has to answer to her outside of the severed floor but down there he can break room torment her as needed for the sake of lumon? fucking wild. really shows how much the lumon higher-ups have driven any idea that the innies are people out of their minds- milchick can do it with the heir to the company.
thought about why i’m generally enjoying mark/helly (and gemma/mark/helly) when it’s usually not what i’d be into and this episode led me to realize it’s because of how completely fucked up it could get. yeah, let’s get the outies in here, let’s make this even more potentially cursed. we ask if love can transcend severance. if that’s true, is it always a good thing? is it the way things should be? i’m excited for the answers to feel like a hammer blow.
one thing i haven’t seen people mention about the confirmation that lumon needs mark for The Miss Casey Experiment aka Cold Harbor is that it implicitly gives a time limit for this season. if mark finishes the cold harbor file and the experiment is a success, can they just fire him and the rest of the team at that point? would they feel the need to silence any of them further as outies? hell, devon tells milchick she spoke to innie mark in this episode- does that put devon and her family under threat? i imagine this may end up being the climax of the season, along with revealing whatever cold harbor is.
my loudest reaction while watching this one was a barking laugh at the first image of milchick with the pineapple on mark’s porch. incredible
“i ate your shitty fucking cookies” is an all-time adam scott line read. and it’s good to once again be reminded why david lynch’s nickname for patricia arquette was “solid gold”
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sofixt0k · 9 days ago
Part Twelve Her comments / My comments
"Next accusation: Mike can't be himself in front of Eleven, like Mike can't express who he is in front of her. They say this a lot, and I literally don't understand where they got it from. I don't know where Mike gave any indication that he can't be himself in front of Eleven—
I don't know what she'll say next, and I'll probably ignore it if it's too stupid. If it's somewhat convoluted, I'll respond. But you and I already know that our dear Michael Wheeler was taken from us in Season 3 the moment that relationship was firmly established.
—in Season 1, he literally shows Eleven his toys and does Yoda's voice and plays with her to make her have fun—
*inserts laughter* *walks away*
—in Season 3, at the beginning, when they're kissing and he stops the kiss to start singing, that seems to me like being himself. In Season 4, when he's trying to make her laugh, which Mike does very often, and he puts on the pizza glasses and says, 'Do I look cool? I think I look very cool.' That is being himself. And now let's go to Season 5. They'll say, 'But Season 5 hasn't come out.' It's true, it hasn't come out yet, but in January last year, 2024, a scene was shown where Mike and Eleven will be on a terrace talking. And obviously, if a scene of Mileven comes out, Byler shippers will say, 'It's a breakup!' Sure, if they don't publish a photo where Will and Mike are walking, they'll have a scene in a field, but if there's a scene between Mike and Eleven, 'It's a breakup!'
… … ………………………………..mhmmmmmmm
Why do they say it's a breakup? Because they supposedly read Mike's lips, and Mike says, 'I think we'll have to be just friends first.'
His mouth doesn't match that dialogue at all, and second, what? Stop making up your stupid theories that don't make sense, okay?
You heard it, we can't create theories about a series because it's a crime.
Mike and Eleven will have scenes together. Whether you like it or not, they're the main characters of the series. They won't break up in every scene. And recently, there was a meeting where the Duffer brothers were, I think it was a Netflix event or something. There were no fans, just people who work in the industry. And someone who was there said they were showing mini previews of Season 5, and in the background, you could hear the dialogue between Mike and Eleven in this terrace scene that said, 'No matter what happens, we're going to get through this together. You're not going to go through this alone.' To me...
Mhmmmmm, honestly, if such a thing existed, Byler fans would already know because we'd be writing our suic*de notes. If anyone knows what this girl is talking about, please comment.
...doesn't sound like something you'd hear in a breakup scene, right? And I'm going to explain one more thing. There's a girl on Twitter who predicted a lot of Mileven scenes—not like Nostradamus predicting the future, but because she has many contacts who work on Stranger Things. She has extras who contacted her. I mean, this girl has contacts of all kinds related to Stranger Things. In Season 4, for example, she said before it came out that Mike would be waiting for Eleven at the airport with yellow flowers, and everyone was like, 'Well, we'll see, but until we see it in the series, we won't believe her.' Until it actually happened. And this girl also predicted a lot of things. I think she even predicted Eddie's death. I don't know, everything she said was real. She said that in Season 5, there would be a scene where Mike and Eleven are kissing in a field. Whether it's real or not, we don't know because until it's confirmed or we see it in the series, we won't know if we should believe it or not. But this girl, seriously, she already said things that happened in the series, so it's a source we can trust.
If anyone knows about this super reliable source, please share the username.
And obviously, Byler shippers started saying, 'No, that's a lie,' and when Noah posted a photo of Mike and Will in a field, they said, 'Mileven scene? No, Byler scene, kissing in the field.' And then they say we're the ones who want everything Byler has. Also, this person said that in Season 5, there would be a very loving scene. She didn't specify what, but being a fan of the ship between Nancy and Jonathan, she was jealous of the Mileven shippers for having such a beautiful scene. We'll have to see if it happens; great, she was right, and if it doesn't happen, we'll have many beautiful Mileven scenes—
At this point in the video, I honestly don't understand what I'm listening to.
Still beautiful, but that's why not all Mileven scenes mean they're breaking up. When it was confirmed that the terrace scene is not a breakup scene, not just because of what the girl who was at the Netflix event said, but also because Mike is smiling—not just for that reason, but also because when all that happened, they said, 'No, well, in that scene they don't break up, they'll break up in another scene.' What? No, they're not going to break up in any scene. They're the endgame couple of the series, the canon couple, whether you like it or not. And by the way, in that scene, they also say it's a breakup scene because Eleven is crying. In Mike's monologue, where Mike finally tells her he loves her, and Eleven was waiting for that from him, she's crying. When they reunite in Season 2, a scene of pure happiness between them, they're both crying. Crying doesn't mean it's a breakup. Maybe Eleven felt overwhelmed by the words Mike was saying, you know?"
YOU KNOW??????
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elainsgirl · 2 months ago
I just realized how ridiculous this whole ship war is. We don’t have any solid proof about how any of these characters feel. We don’t know if Gwyn likes Azriel. We don’t know what Elain thinks of Lucien, or what Lucien thinks of Elain. We have no idea what Elain feels about Azriel. The only thing we actually know for sure is how Azriel feels about Elain — that’s it. We’ve barely seen inside Azriel’s head, yet everyone is jumping to conclusions and assuming the worst. People are making up wild theories and fighting like children, even though we don’t have any of these characters’ POVs yet. It’s honestly insane. The one thing we do know is that there’s clearly something going on between Azriel and Elain — that’s been obvious for a while. It was always going to happen as we read through the books. I’m not saying nothing could happen between Elain and Lucien — it could — but right now, it’s just Azriel, Lucien, and Elain. That’s all we have to work with! So people need to stop adding all this unnecessary drama to a story we all know is headed in one direction. It’s honestly sad to watch so many people convince themselves that the stuff they’re making up could actually happen. Did anyone seriously think Azriel was getting a book next, or even Gwyn? Come on.
Let’s talk about the complete lack of reading comprehension in this fandom. How can people seriously think Azriel is some F-boy who only cares about sex? It’s honestly wild how much people have assumed the worst about him. I read that bonus chapter, and when I saw the reactions, I was genuinely shocked. Where are people getting all of that from? I actually understood Azriel’s point of view, even if it wasn’t worded perfectly. And don’t get me started on the Elain hate. Yes, she’s quiet, and sure, some people find her boring, but Azriel is the exact same way and no one’s coming after him for it. People hated Nesta too, but after her book, most fans either like her or at least respect her. So why isn’t Elain getting the same treatment? This fandom is so hypocritical, it’s honestly unbelievable.
This whole shipwar was ridiculous 4 years ago when it first started.
Whilst I slightly disagree with your point about not knowing how elain/lucien/az fully feel - as there are concrete hintd and buildup to display their feelings, I fully agree w people jumping to the worst conclusions about Azriel just because of his bonus
Just because he confirmed he was in fact attracted to Elain and Elain attracted to him despite her mate being “lucien. Just because he questioned the bond exactly like how Feyre did.
the bonus really just proved that a lot of people have selective reading comprehension.
The “love triangle” has ALWAYS been between Lucien, Elain and Azriel. Its not even a love triangle at this point, as Elain isn’t torn between Lucien or Az. Putting that aside - poor Gwyns character has just been dragged into this situation by her “stans” despite the fact she showed 0 interest in Azriel - as a way to be the perfect love interest for Azriel. Everything Elain is not. Bcs Elain is hated & flawed whilst Gwyn is loved and perfect.
And yh sure. Anyone can sit back and say, “the books can go in any direction” - but thats willfully ignoring Sjms foreshadowing, clues and the very clear direction the books are going in. What antis don’t understand is - in this point of the story - not “anything” can happen. Sjm has set herself a clear arc with an obvious ship and all im going to say is - its not the ship where the two characters can’t even stand to be around each other.
I said this before - antis need to stop inserting their interpretations/opinions into canon. For example, Eluciens saying Elain shrinking back from Lucien is bcs he gets her all bothered and attracted to him, their evidence? Some characters find Lucien attractive so how can Elain not find him attractive and bcs she does it makes her uncomfortable that she wants him soo badly. THAT is the definition if inserting YOUR opinion onto CANON when its not backed up by the text. Just cause Lucien stans find him to be the most handsome doesn’t mean Elain does. Eluciens know elucien isnt a deep couple. Its surface level hence why they have to make up all this “lore” and “drama” about them which at a point gets embarrassing.
The fact that a quarter of this fandom genuinely believe a secondary character we JUST met will get a book before an ARCHERON sister who was one of the MAIN side characters in the og series is just…funny and unbelievable. “Oh but Gwyn appeared sm in acosf!” Omfg didn’t acomaf, acowar and even acofad focused on Mor yet was her book next? No it wad Elains and they LOVE saying that Gwyn appeared in ONE bonus therefore she is the next protagonist yet remain quiet when you tell them Elain appeared in TWO bonuses where she was focused on for some of it. TWO.
I think for me is the fact that antis - both Gwynriels and Eluciens - have twisted Az to be this disgusting, disrespectful and toxic male as a way to not ship elriel YET turn around and ship him with Gwyn? The way they make Az sound is so icky and abusive yet with Gwyn he’s an absolute angel? With the way antis have turned Az to be - the way they believe him to be, if any of it was true, he would not be a Li. That is NOT how an author would want you to perceive one of their love interests.
You know what it comes down too? Even if they pretend its not true, I will die on this hill, they see Elain as someone weak and meek, someone who won’t ever be able to handle Az and his toxic ways. Whereas with Gwyn, their perfect little mermaid will “challenge”, change and heal him bcs she is stronger. She is better then weak little Elain. That is what it comes down too, even w elucien stans - Elain is Luciens arm candy. His prize for the suffering he has endured. Someone to be pretty and there for him whilst he conquers and rules.
I got a little sidetracked / Yes. I think any normal person with nothing against Elain or a weird obsession with Lucien understood where Az was coming from and immediately linked it back to Feyres musings in acowar. Could Az have worded it better? 100%. But its not like he had any time to prepare. He was reeling, put on the spot, just hurt his crushes’ feelings and confused. But you got the gist of what he meant.
This fandom goes through a cycle and just never learns.
People hated Nesta -> hated Nessian cause Cass deserves better -> Cass interacted w Emerie? Some believed they’d be a couple -> Acosf released, Nesta lovers rose to the top and people loved Nessian until HOFAS
Elain is currently hated but more then Nesta bcs of ✨ misogyny ✨ -> “Azriel deserves better” -> Lucien deserves to be happy w his mate -> elucien/Gwynriel -> elriel book announced and then BOOM people will love elriel and love Elain and claim to be exactly like her,
I think at a point, after spending so long in this fandom. It just becomes funny and infuriating. I think its why you should alwYs find you safe places in this fandom. People you can go and rant, talk theories, opinions with etc. it makes the. Fandom so much better when you have someone in your camp understanding how you feel and in the same boat as you.
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snorpyz · 6 days ago
Day one.
Ivlis & god!Reader, requested!! Part 2 (iykyk). Angsty, general woe. To my biggest fan!! <33 More to come?
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Ivlis had not spoken a word since you'd both traversed through the portal. You surmised there could be multiple reasons why, with one common denominator.
Fear. This could be a dream of his. You could grow tired of him, and throw him back into that wretched place. You could be just as bad as anyone who's ever shown him any sort of interest. Hell, you could even eat him- as far as he's concerned.
All of those, reasonable.
So you try not to feel anything but indifference at the way he immediately shoots himself into a corner, cowering against the wall. You're sure it flickered across your face for a moment, concern. You quickly school any expressions and slowly move your hands up in a placating gesture. "I have no intentions with you." You start, knowing that he probably wouldn't believe you anyway.
"I'm sure you know who I am." Alright, perhaps saying this wasn't the best method of soothing any worry. Recognizing this causes you to furrow your brow, and you notice him flinch just from that action. Why would you, of all gods, help out someone like him? In his eyes, the only sentiment you'd held for other beings was indifference. You feeling anything warmer than that was impossible. Rather, becoming colder and crueler was more likely a possibility.
You mourned the position he was in. Of course, he'd feel that way. You try not to focus on your gnawing conscience, screaming of your inability to think properly today, and instead erase any physical semblance of emotion from your body. You need to appear as impartial as ever for him to feel even the slightest bit of comfort. You're sure he's gone through enough big changes today, he's visibly stressed to all hell.
Instead, "Look around you. You're in my domain. Impartial territory, where no one but me has any power. Do you recall my courts?" He does cast a glance around. You'd teleported the both of you to one of your viewing rooms. It's wide windows taking up an entire side of the room. You had many of these in your home, often choosing to gaze upon your world for hours at a time.
You cherished your belongings. Especially one you'd crafted by hand, so your domain was kept under tender care. A world where all your denizens could bring themselves before your courts, and ask for anything they'd wished. If sensible, you'd grant any number of their wishes.
This was, of course, a reason for shock amongst the other gods. Other higher beings would snarl at the idea of bending to the wills of those lesser than them. You'd like to laugh in their faces, and question the length of their power if simply granting wishes warranted them to be weaker. But even so, you'd have to put up an air of cold indifference to ensure no one tested you.
That couldn't entirely eradicate any whispers of how your world worked, no. Especially from those with tainted and vile lips, such as Satanick. So you're sure that Ivlis knew. At the flicker of recognition that crossed his eyes, your theory was confirmed. His stiffened figure relaxed slightly, and he seemed to lean almost imperceptibly against the wall.
That progress, as miniscule as it was, felt like a triumph. Feeling lighter, you turned your back. A pause, to test how volatile he was. He could try and lunge for you, sure, or demonstrate his intelligence in not attacking a god. Either way, it's not as if you'd get hurt. Irritated, sure, but his case of violence was understandable.
He didn't go for it. You allowed yourself a hidden smile before continuing your way to a side room, a small kitchen area with snacks and drinks. You get started on some tea, thinking he could do with something relaxing. Halfway through, you stop and question if he'd even take it.
He might think it's laced with something, or you're out to poison him. You grimace, frowning down at the boiling water before shaking your head. You'll bring a second cup, and pour out of the same pot. Perhaps that'll be enough to ail any worries he has.
Grabbing everything you think you'd need, you take a moment to collect yourself. This is the decision you've made, and you'll have to endure whatever consequence comes of it. None of the other beings would dare trespass in your territory, not for the moment. When Satanick comes to them bawling about his latest toy being taken, due to your behavior for the last millennia, they'll doubt that you're the real perpetrator.
Stepping back into the room, you notice he's still in the same spot as before. You don't bother with bringing any attention to it, and instead step over to a table. Placing everything down, you walk over to the other side and pull out a chair. You give him a glance, waiting until he meets your eyes to move on. Then, you go back over to your side and take a seat.
You pour yourself some tea, leaning back and taking a sip. It's only when you're on your third cup that Ivlis takes a step towards his designated seat. You don't pay him any mind, keeping your eyes on the table. It's over a span of 30 minutes that he makes his way over, his steps starting out incredibly light, then ending up firm and purposely loud. As if he's gaining the confidence to ask with his actions, if he's really allowed to sit before you.
You couldn't imagine a being so prideful and scathing to stoop as low as to ask things with his body language. But here he was. And here you were, feeling pity for every action he takes. Vile, you remind yourself. He was once vile.
You grit your teeth, lost in your own thoughts as the drag of a chair pulls you back to attention. You still don't look up, giving him the choice to sit or make himself absent. No pressure, you repeat in your mind. No pressure, you try and scream with your body language.
He finally sits down.
You slowly, quietly, reach out and pour him a cup. You set it beside the pot, giving him the option to take it. He does. Small victories. He seems to stare at it for a few minutes, contemplating whatever is going around in that head of his. Five, ten, twenty minutes. The almost imperceptible sound of a sip. You allowed yourself a gaze upward.
Okay, woah, his eyes are almost slitted. An incredibly intense stare, seeming to reach into the depths of your soul. You don't speak, don't challenge his gaze with your own. Don't pay any mind to how his widened eyes reminded you of prey, fearfully studying a predator. Waiting for them to strike.
'Were you ever familiar with softness?' You wanted to ask. 'Were you ever comforted, as innocent as a child? What did you have? What did you lack? All of it, what led to this. What was it? How did it feel?' Never would you question it out loud, never would you pay him that pitying, comforting gaze. You try to ignore the soft coo of the word, 'Hopefully.'
You haven't had sensible thoughts lately, nonetheless actions. Hadn't you already done all that you said you wouldn't do?
Divinity was about contradictions, apparently.
Rip the bandaid off. Go on, do it. You sigh inaudibly, pushing air through your nose. You notice he stirs at this, undoubtedly watching your every move. You tilt your gaze up, giving him as much honesty as you could muster.
"You won't be able to go back." Unsurprisingly, he only stares numbly. No argument, no 'I'd never want to go back anyway,' no 'You can't tell me what to do.' Even though you'd expected no struggle, for that to have been beat out of him ages ago, it still makes you grit your teeth.
You continue, the silence filling the air festering like an open wound. "You'll have freedom here, the option to do whatever you'd like within reason." A tiny downward twitch of his brows, likely wanting clarification. "You may not hurt yourself, or any denizens of my world. Intruders? Sure. But none of mine."
You didn't bother to keep a civil tone when saying this, being aware of his past actions. He needed to understand that you'd have no leniency with any cruelty that possibly remains within his being. He doesn't nod, doesn't respond, but you know he has processed every bit of what you've said. Overthought it, rolled it around his brain a billion times- searching for any hidden meaning, any subtle suggestion that you wanted to hurt him.
You let him mull it over. His eyes are so empty, you can particularly see the thoughts ping around in them. The glazed over defeated look brought painful thoughts to the forefront of your head, and you had to will yourself to keep eye contact. You'd thought the idea of freedom might have brought some light to his eyes, but you guessed he didn't trust it.
Maybe with time he would. (Are you really putting more time towards this? You're a fucking idiot.)
"Until you have recovered from your injuries, and are fit to be on your own again, I'd like you to stay under my protection. My home will house you, but my people will not tend to you. I'll oversee your wellbeing, make your meals, and doctor you." You couldn't risk him lashing out at one of your people. Think of it as a punishment. You'd look after him dutifully, at the sacrifice of your own time and wellbeing. Suits you right, for becoming so stupid.
He doesn't resist. When has he been allowed to in the last few eras? The idea is probably foreign to him. You feel bile tickle the back of your throat. When did you get so weak? What about him makes you cave?
You nod at him. (At yourself). You don't move your gaze from him, but let it stray to his hair (matted and unkempt). Never lower, never at his body. You're sure he'd flee. The idea of him doing so, from you, makes you cold. What would be the point, anyway? To look at the bruises engraved in his flesh? To see the length of abuse he has endured? Everyone knows. Everyone has seen.
Why did nobody do anything? (Why didn't you do anything till now?) It swims in your head. It swims.
"I'll keep you safe." It's whispered, like a secret. Just between the two of you. A shared guilt.
I'll help you, but the second you do something to earn another stain against your soul, I'll put you down. For my sake. You can't say it, but you're sure he understands. This is selfish, all of it. You'll help him to feel better about yourself. To absolve you. Nothing else, nothing more. You can't look him in the eyes anymore.
You reach over and pour him a cup, before standing. He jerks back, wide eyes fixated. Always on you. Never looking away. Does he never consider that there could be a second person, lurking behind? You bite your tongue.
You collect everything, intending on taking it all back to the sideroom. Ten steps, and you notice you're being shadowed. You don't stop, don't falter, just keep making your way forward. He follows you, albeit at a distance.
When you get there, you notice he stops at the doorway, as if asking for permission to enter. Pausing at the sink, you turn to him and nod before placing the dishes down. He doesn't make a move. Maybe he doesn't trust anything but verbal affirmation? "You're allowed to follow me, unless stated otherwise."
Never one to answer you, he takes a tentative step inside. "I'll lead you to your room." He perks up a little at this. Did he not think he'd have his own place to stay? He quickly stiffens once more. Maybe he thinks it'll end up being a dungeon? You huff.
Taking a step to the opposite side of the room, you wave for him to follow. You're in one of the wings that'll likely come to his frequent use during his stay. The kitchenette and viewing room becoming commonplace to him. You'll be sure to keep him to familiar rooms at first, that way it'll bring him more comfort.
But first? He needs to tend to those wounds and rest. You'll make him some soup while he busies himself with that. You'd offer to heal him, but you're sure any hands coming too close to his body would lead to panic. Understandable.
The few hallways it takes to find his designated room feel like eternity, the silence extending till your arrival. You open the door, and step inside first. You're sure he'd appreciate not having anyone come up behind him.
It's a lavish room, built for a god like yourself. (Maybe too good for him). A perfect place to recover in. It's light, not filled with any dreary colors. Nothing like what you're sure he resided in before. You wait till he steps in, and expect him to look around the room.
He refuses to look away from you.
That's alright, you're sure he'll have plenty of time to look around once you leave him alone. You meet his eyes, and take a moment to chant a protection spell. One you're sure he'll recognize. 'May no harm come to anyone within this room'. A little bit of a double edged sword for the both of you, neither will be able to attack the other. However, it also ensures you'll both be safe from harm.
You'll be sure to secretly enchant the outside with a spell that only allows the two of you within this room, in case anyone decides to intrude.
Once that's over with, you slowly make your way towards the bathroom. Opening it up, you flick the light on, letting him view the inside. Letting him view you. You kneel down, and riffle through the lower cabinet. At finding what you're looking for, you make your way over to the bed, setting it down. You then step away, and usher towards it.
"Medical kit. It has vials of components you can use to mix any potions you'd need to revitalize yourself. As well as sterilization, and wrapping material." There'd be no need in telling him to use it wisely. Another thought dances across those eyes of his, it might be more suspicion. However, you don't bother with it.
You begin to make your way out the door, to seek some food for the two of you. Soup, likely. It'll be easier for him to consume.
The sideroom is as you've left it, and you begin to prepare a simple meal: just some chicken soup. You allow yourself a dry chuckle at the thought of him getting any sort of nostalgia from this. As if anyone who's ever looked after him, cared for him enough to prepare him a meal. Without stipulations. If you keep grinding your teeth, they'll be turned into dust.
It takes about 15 minutes for everything to be done, and you're sure by now he'd have wrapped himself tight. In bandages, maybe not in the comforter. After he's eaten, and you've left for a good amount of time, maybe he'll seek some sort of rest.
With a sigh, you get to delivering him his meal. You knock before entering, and once you're at least sure he's heard, you slowly crack open the door. You decide to verbally announce your entrance, too. "I'm coming in!"
The door opens to reveal him standing, not too far from the bed, as if he'd just been sitting. A shame. You nod to him, and at a slow pace make your way to the bedside table. He doesn't move an inch. You place the bowl and silverware down, before backing up a sizable distance. "Chicken soup."
You're sure he could identify it by scent, but it never hurts to clarify. You still have your own meal in another hand, and you decide to sit down in the middle of the floor. You'll eat in front of him, just as you did with the tea. (Why do you care so much about his comfort?) It doesn't take you long to finish your half. You even tilted the bowl down into your mouth, making sure all the broth didn't go to waste.
You dabble your mouth with a napkin, and consider simply teleporting all the dishes to the kitchen. It'd be easy, with just a flick of your finger. But then, maybe he'd think it was all an illusion. Something conjured, something dispelled. There's no telling how paranoid he'd be. You try not to grumble as you sit up and gather everything. You'd at least wait till you're out of sight before using your powers for laziness.
You take a few steps before pausing, "I'm going to head to bed. You can summon me by ringing this." You manifest a bell, linking its matter to your own. If rung, it'd feel like a pinch. You'd notice immediately.
You set it down by the door, sure he'd move it to where he pleased. He'll be fine, you say to yourself. No jumping out of the window, no seeking to..... Dispatch himself. Nothing. He'll be back where you left him, rested and bandaged. Somehow this mattered to you.
"Goodnight." You're not sure if he heard, but you couldn't bring yourself to care. You close the door behind you, and get to work enchanting it. Once that's over with, you teleport yourself directly into your bed.
You drag your palms down your face, a groan surfacing. You're an idiot. You're such a fucking idiot. Whatever. You turn over, feeling your pillow tickle the side of your face. Whatever. It's too late to change anything.
This is it. It's your fault, now.
Day one with Ivlis wasn't too bad, huh? At least he didn't try to kill you. As if he could.
You're so fucked.
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At request, I have returned to it! I'll probably make a part 3, I'm sort of invested in my own storyline of taking someone you detest under your care out of moral pain and suffering. Ivlis.... I see u, Ivlis..... He's so pitiful and sad. I hope u enjoyed!!! <3 let me know what u think.. I wanted to do a day one scenario- consequences of ur actions before. It went better than it could have!
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